Hello folks. Been pretty bus around here but have been productive. We've also entered into the final phases of getting the twins their Carte de Sejours (residency cards) which begins next Tuesday. The last month seemed such a whirlwind with guests galore and a lot of partying, dining out, running all over the place and being with old friends which was marvelous. Of course after all of that slowed down everyone was tired and at times hung over (me..........). I don't think the next wave of visitors comes until after the new year.
While out last night we noticed Xmas lights on an apartment balcony and came to the realization that the holiday season is upon us. This will definitely be a new experience for us and in that past few weeks the heat had to be turned on with temps going below freezing in the early morning hours.
Cassie spent an inordinate amount of money (not for publication in here......*) on her new glasses here but was wowed by how much better they fit and how light they are. We received many many emails from friends back home and in other places wanting to know if we were safe in all of the strikes, demonstrations, and riots here but none of us ever really saw anything and thankfully never got a whiff of tear gas either. It's pretty amazing how the 24 hour news cycle views those things although one of the gas stations we walked past about a week ago was shut down due to no gas from the refineries and was being guarded by police.
Speaking of guarded by the police, Cassie and I had to go the American Embassy here again yesterday to get bank documents notarized and the security there had changed completely from what it was this past summer when we were there with Kian and Niall to get their criminal background check paperwork notarized. This time the credit card machine worked but I had a pocketful of Euros just in case. Let's just say that the entire embassy grounds on all sides were surrounded by a cordon of French Gendarmes and inside it was a maze of checkpoints where our cell phones and anything else the guards wanted were left for us to pick up on our way out. Everyone there was very courteous but also very business like. Of course Osama Bin Laden has specifically threatened the French now in lieu of the Bourka Ban and so the security threat level here has been very high. There are troops in the streets and I guess someone threatened to destroy the Eiffel Tower a while back too.
I finally got a cell phone the day the twins accidentally locked us out of the apartment as we only have 2 keys and getting extra's here is sort of like get an extra car key (most are now computerized) that would cost a fortune and that we'd have to go through the apartment management company here which is essentially the same thing as talking with people who either can't or won't respond.
Cassie and our pal Susan Hess are hosting a Halloween Party for their respective teams here with costumes and 4 dozen cupcakes that were baked here last night. It seems the French don't do Halloween at least not like Susan does so today they're in for a real treat.
That's the news for today. I promise to be back sooner next time. Make sure you have plenty of treats for the kids. I won't be able to meet them this year like I usually do with our hose.
A bientot!