Monday, May 16, 2011

Ferraris In The Streets And Bugs All Over My Skin

Ahhhhh to have Ferrari's in the streets where one lives........* I know it's been forever since the last blog entry. Hmmmmmmmm, where to begin......... It's been quite busy with guests coming and going, doctor follow up visits, elevators going offline for 2 months, and the never ending day to day navigation of any and all things French here. In the last 2 months, the twins have gotten their Carte de Sejours (French Green Cards) which took 3 different visits (one to the OFII at Bastille and two the main Prefecture de Police at Ile de le Cite) that spanned 6 weeks from start to finish. Learning to interface with Blue Cross on our mounting medical bills that needed insurance reimbursement and the labyrinth of silliness that entails. A "possibly" compromised Carte Blue (ATM Card) that involved several lengthy discussions with French bankers who sort of spoke English that led to spontaneous Abbot and Costello "Who's On First" routines with no resolution at all. A lecture from a new neighbor about how the twins running up and down the steps were ruining the carpets. Cassie availing herself of the SOS Medicines service which is one of the coolest things we've found here that when one is sick, they call the SOS Medicine phone number, do a short interview on what your symptoms are and in an hour a doctor makes a house call at your home for 70 euros. That's another one in your eye TEA Party morons.......* Cassie DID stop for a week during that time and dodged a major bronchitis and possible pneumonia. Plans are in the works for vacation this Summer and the twins are taking the Summer off from college to travel with us.
Our cleaning lady ditched us and now the twins and I are back at it again just like home. I start my first paying mastering job with an American country band from Berlin called Modern Earl this week which should be interesting but of course they're a great band.

Lastly, my disease Dermatomyositis is still very with me and is nowhere near receding into the background yet. Even on good days my skin feels like I have bugs crawling all over me and I have rashes over my torso, on my knees and elbows which I have various creams and lotions to apply that make me a bit more comfortable and fist-fulls of drugs I take every day that hopefully will take this irritating malady into remission. I wish I had more positive news on this. There are other things I could mention but won't as I have no desire to give too much energy to this. Suffice to say I'm following my doctors' orders and doing what I'm told.

Cassie took the photo of my with her new I-Phone last week as we were headed to dinner.

As always, I will endeavor to keep up with this blog better but sometimes it just doesn't work that way.

Love to all everywhere!
