What our guardian doesn't know but will soon find out is that we'll continue to take the boxes downstairs and she's going to have to GET OVER IT......and do her job. She like so many other people here in France have overinflated ideas of their importance and look for just about every opportunity they can find to not do their jobs.
Personally, I'm over all of it and am looking very forward to returning to Lynchburg.
I apologized to our kind neighbor for her being dragged into this and she is looking to find out whether the church down the street will actually take the clothes. In the meantime our guardian is going to have to "cowboy up".
Since last October a there's been a strange noise in the ceiling of our main bathroom which sounds to me like some kind of electric machine that vibrates. It comes and goes and over the last couple of months has gotten louder until last Friday when it receded and now is not so prevalent. My neighbor from upstairs came down last week and wanted know if it was coming from our apartment and I told him no. He came in and listened and then informed me that the lady who lives below us could also hear it.
The most interesting thing is our esteemed guardian evidently knows the guardian from the Indonesian Embassy across the street who told her that the noise was coming from their central heating unit which is in a shed on their compound. Of course.......the Indonesians are responsible........ That would mean that the noise leaves the closed shed on their compound and travels through the air across the street two buildings down and then settles into my apartment's bathroom ceiling to make the noise. And of course, pigs fly too.......* No wonder the people in Central and South America are still in such a state.....* My neighbor upstairs didn't buy it either.
I get it.......say anything to get people to stop bothering you........but wait........some of the people who live in this building actually are "intelligent"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perhaps our guardian should become a politician...........*
Over and out from fruitcake central....
I'm going to get my aluminum foil hat as the voices are starting to get loud in my head again.......
Oh, I forgot, I suspect our guardian is actually a reincarnated cat hence the photo above.......