Sunday, February 7, 2010


Mornin friends,

Who would have imagined that Central Virginia would look and feel like South Dakota this Winter after many years of less than frigid seasons.  I read other friends' postings on Facebook about how beautiful the snow is and all I can think about right now is how many things that need to happen around here aren't happening.......  This weekend marked that weather event that the press around here dubbed "Snowpocalypse" and actually for places a little further North of here it was of a sorts although I can't help but marvel at how unprepared everyone was for any kind of major weather event.  Our new Governor who's a "short person" really got to flex his short person persona by calling out the National Guard here to patrol the highways after thousands were stranded on the roads in the huge storm that hit us right before Christmas 09.  Here in Lynchburg, the city will "maybe" clean your residential street but usually only once and then I guess they all hold hands and say prayers hoping that the rest of the snow melts quickly but with temperatures hovering around freezing and going into the teens at night the snow from the 15 inch snow fall last weekend is pretty much still here and so what we got this weekend has added to that.

It seems as though everything will probably happen all at once instead of gradually for our move and I told a friend this weekend that I felt like Laird Hamilton must feel riding an 80 foot high wave wondering where it's going to deposit him.  I'm not getting spun up about it though as I'm still certain of our "leave behind" team Paul and Betty will have things well in hand after we leave if everything isn't quite done yet.

Pat Lawrence comes today for his tracks on the my solo CD "Way Back Close And Personal" and hopefully Robbie will do his parts either Monday or Tuesday.

Cassie returns to Washington D.C. on the 21st and I'm taking the train up to meet her.  We'll spend the night in a hotel that night in Georgetown and then go to the French Consulate the next day to pick up our extended visas and we'll drive home in the minivan Cassie will rent at Dulles that we'll keep until we drive back to Dulles on March 2nd to get on the plane and leave.

Wow, it's really getting close.

More later....

Love to all!


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