Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Voice Messages

There are voice messages on our home phone but I have no idea how to retrieve them.  I tried for over an hour this morning and nothing........*  Got the box down from the shelf and there are instructions in French, German, and Turkish.........*  Hope none of them are important.  I've got nothin........*

The guys are showering and then me before Angela, our building's "Gaurdian" comes to clean for 2 hours today.  I think shes coming at 12:00 but I could be wrong.  She's from Spain and does speak French but my attempt to have a conversation with her yesterday was something out of the "who's on first, no who's on second" realm but after a comical back and forth with gestures I DID find out that she was coming today.  Initially I was a little ambivalent about the apartment manager cleaning in my apartment but evidently all of them here do some of that.  I've always been the housekeeper of late and having someone else do that is going to be different like so many other things here.  We also have to get online with the French Social Security website and make sure that we pay into that for Angela's benefits whatever those are.  I'm sure we'll be experts in all of this before we leave here.

Denise Woernle is here today from Lynchburg and we're having dinner with her tonight.  That'll be fun and we'll be able to catch up a bit with her.

We have another store run to make today (really at least one every day here) and tomorrow I go to try and get a cell phone......*  The main provider in our neighborhood is called "Orange".  Also, it's IN to wear your mobile phone around your neck with a specific necklace thing that everyone has.  Perhaps I'll get one although I've never been much on fashion accessories. 

Lastly, there was a cacophony of horn honking outside in the street starting VERY early this morning.  I think a truck was parked outside and since the street is very narrow (almost all of them are here) there were evidently an extremely pissed off bunch of drivers down there that had no sense that it was 6AM AND ALL OF US WERE STILL SLEEPING...........................................................................................*

This morning brought back memories of my old First Sergeant of my unit in Germany who would walk into everyone's dorm rooms at 5 am and blow a whistle every morning.  Needless to say everyone got up when that happened.

Love to all there and everywhere........*


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