Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Slack Trumpet Players In The Street

Bon soire friends,

One of the vagaries of living in the otherwise wondrous City Of Lights is some of the slack street musicians.  Not all are slack but there are those who are bad enough to compare them to the pigeons that screw constantly on our back windowsills 24/7 and that being said they're just as welcome.........*

For some really odd reason there are either 2 trumpet players (and I use players very loosely here....) or sometimes the arrangement is one trumpet player and a clarinet player with a hand cart that holds some kind of loud boom-box that plays really schmaltzy waltzes and other arcane ditties that are neither welcome or appropriate when one's windows are open after it warms up which of course is now.  They tend to stay in neighborhoods and these guys seemed to have taken a liking to our neighborhood.  I certainly don't see hundreds of neighbors coming out of their apartment buildings throwing money at them.

Last weekend while on a train headed out to the suburbs a lady with one of those carts got on the train, turned on the background music and sang for about 2 minutes, then made the rounds with her cup essentially demanding money for a 2 minute performance.  The next day on a different train headed to another destination an accordion player who was actually pretty good with a chick playing tambourine also got on the train and played so loud there was no way to ignore them.  We gave them some money but felt captive both on the trains and while in our living room tonight trying to listen to Fleetwood Mac and being unable to hear them because of the sound of pigs being killed outside in the street........oh I forgot,
it's music right?

Once upon a time in a universe long ago and far away I had to wait in line for bad food while in the military.  At least there I could opt out but here with the slack trumpet players in the 16th, there's no escape.  I wonder how hard it would be to obtain a large pot that would fit on our stove-top and fill it with boiling oil...........but, I wouldn't be able to fit all of the oil in my pull-cart. 

But there's always rotten fruit and vegetables and we're 4 floors up.  I was a pretty good pitcher in little league and a fastball from 4 floors up would get there in a hurry wouldn't it?

It's just a thought..........*

If they were just on pitch and in tune and somewhere else, perhaps the 15th or 17th......*

Here's wishing all of you things that are in tune and played right and if whoever is trying to do can't they'll be kind enough to woodshed until they can......*

Love to all everywhere but NOT the slack trumpet players in the 16th.......

A bientot,


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