Man, for some reason this holiday season seemed longer than usual in that we traveled a bunch and were away from home for the first time ever as a family at Christmas time. We have however basked in the glow of family and friends and as always are reminded how blessed we all are because of that.
Cassie heads back to Paris on January 17th and won't be home again until the week the movers come and we all get on the plane (drugged cats and twins) and head across the pond to our new home in Paris. Everyone keeps asking if the move is a daunting prospect but we repeatedly tell them that we've always been intrepid and have never done anything the easy way so why start now? All kidding aside, I NEVER thought I'd get to return to Paris which for a while in the mid-70s was literally a second home for me. I felt like I belonged there and almost decided to get out of the Army in Europe and stay. It was a near thing but I eventually chose to return to the US for more school in the Army and fortunately for me that decision eventually led to my meeting Cassie down the road and to where I am now. I'm also back in touch with my dear friends Christine Holzbauer and Chris Madison who were my hosts in Paris for close to 2 years while I was in Europe. We were always so poor back then and to go to Paris the way I'm going back is something that I will get used to very quickly but I will always hearken back to my experiences there in the 70s with amazement and gratitude.
Our culture coaches Gilles and Chern come Tuesday for our family culture training right in our home. It should be very rewarding and informational and will remind me again how different the French are from us yet how close we are at the same time in that our country would have never come to be without help from the French and their final revolution took root after witnessing our struggles against tyranny.
Top all of this off with a cold wave that's reminiscent of our days in Iowa 10 years or more ago when Cassie was introduced to what Winter was really like. I think we've also decided to sell our house instead of keeping it and we'll be exploring that this coming week too. As always, LOTS of balls in the air here but we're a little over 2 months away FROM MOVING TO PARIS! WOW!
I hope that all of you had a joyous holiday season and were at least somewhat warm wherever you are. Sorry it took so long to get back to this. Cassie will post later tonight.
Love to all always!
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