We've now entered the wild and wacky world of "online" college after adjourning from the wild and wacky world of "brick and mortar" community college. Yesterday I found out that Strayer University where I'd recently enrolled Kian and Niall to continue their educations online required accounting for an associate of liberal arts "general studies" degree or their bachelor of liberal arts degree. Cassie told me she needed just one math credit to get her bachelor degree in journalism. Math and all of it's vagaries has never been a strong suit of any of us my wife included and the thought of the twins having to take an accounting course worries me but what the hell, it's only money.
Since we don't have a scanner in the house I've had to download forms that needed signatures and then take the finished forms to PIP Printing here in town to have them scanned into PDF files I could send to Strayer where an elderly gentleman named Jose has been shepherding me through their enrollment process. The fine folks as PIP have gotten to know me pretty well but after yesterday, I think the only things left are the "promissory" notes I'll need to sign to ensure both twins' class enrollments are firm in the classes they need to take. Strayer is on a "quarter" schedule and the Spring quarter begins on April 5th. I hope we'll be there by then.
Cassie is closing in on renting an apartment this week and we should know when we'll be able to move in which in turn will dictate our final travel arrangements and departure date. She sent along some really great pictures of a large apartment she was shown 2 days ago that she'd like to rent. We'll see what shakes out.
More later with hopefully some pictures of the apartment as this unfolds.
Love to all out there.
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