Saturday, December 5, 2009

Busy Times

Sorry I've been away. Cassie came back from Paris last Monday and it's been really busy ever since with getting the twins to school daily and juggling Cassie's schedule. We did a conference call with a "culture coach" yesterday afternoon which was actually really great and we all meet with him and his wife sometime the first week in January.

It's really starting to sink in that we coming up on our last Christmas here for the next 3 years so next year at this time it'll be Christmas in Paris. That should be interesting for sure.

There are also other issues to address which involve renting a furnished apartment or renting an unfurnished apartment which would take longer as when Parisians move out of their apartments they take everything including kitchen cabinets and leave light bulbs hanging from wires with no fixtures. Hopefully they'll leave the toilet or toilets. We currently live in a 2400 sq ft house and we'll be living large there if our apartment is half that size.

Almost to a person though Cassie hears from other ex-pats that "downsizing" was a good thing for them and that it helped them simplify their lives. I suspect all of us could do that and then some. My new friend Michael Clervi is most definitely doing that these days far more than we ever will. He's my newest hero.

Hopefully Cassie will get involved with the blog and the twins will start posting too after they finish school in a couple of weeks. It's chilly here today with snow flurries and rain and the Hennie Pennie folks (weather guessers) are predicting death and destruction like they always do.

I hope wherever all of you are is a little more temperate than here now. Will write more tomorrow if I get time. Love to all and be well wherever you are.


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