The last time we moved I think there were over 650 boxes minus the furniture and other things we had but this time anything that either isn't given away or sold or moved depending on what kind of apartment we end up with HAS TO GO.
That process is happening even I as I write this now and it will continue right up until the day the movers come to move our stuff to either Paris or into storage. We certainly wouldn't be categorized as hoarders but we sure have a lot of stuff. Geez...
We ARE making headway but it's slow going.
It'll be a miracle if our new apartment in Paris is even the size of our current ground floor and we'll be REALLY lucky and fortunate if Cassie is able to rent an apartment with more than one bathroom. From what I've been told by Cassie one of the apartments she rented short term a while back had an all in one washer that after the wash cycle finished then became the dryer and it would run for literally hours and hours which makes me uneasy about how I'm going to keep up with the laundry while we're there. That will probably entail several posts if not more in our adventures with French appliances.
I keep hearing that there are hard and fast rules about how the French are and I can admit that I've never actually LIVED there but did visit often in the mid 70s. Should be fun to adapt.
That's all for now. Time to head to Goodwill with a pile of stuff. If you want any of our stuff let us know and then it can be your stuff.
Love to all.....*
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