Greetings Pilgrims,
It seems as though we might get a real snowstorm this evening that might last into tomorrow. Cassie heard yesterday that it was snowing in Paris. How magical that must be.
As always there's been a big push to get everything out to friends and family for Xmas although this year there's a more than a hint of simplification in the air as preparations continue for the move which now has everyone out of Lynchburg the first week of March 2010. Inevitably time is becoming compressed as Cassie leaves January 17th and won't be back until March when we move and so if folks don't get to see her before January, they'll need to visit with her in Paris. I for one am looking very forward to living in a new neighborhood with new challenges in a new city.
Our cultural training takes place early in January which should be really interesting and informative for all of us although I lived for almost 3 years in Europe in the mid-70s so I consider myself at least partially versed in living in another culture but could certainly stand the update from professionals.
I start work on a solo CD with Billy Worley after the New Year and am also looking forward to that.
The twins finished their tenure at Central Virginia Community College this week and both Cassie and I are relieved that's over as the administration and faculty there are completely clueless when it comes to almost any meaningful interactions with people affected by the Autism Spectrum in fact the president of the college pointedly informed me that he didn't have to do anything to help our sons there. Merry Christmas indeed......* More on that in another blog entry as there will be developments to report on in the coming weeks.
Nelliebelle's pathology report came back negative for cancer and there was much rejoicing in our home at the news. Seems the old girl will be with us for a while longer and we'll all be the better for it.
I need to go out and unearth the snow shovels now but will get back to you all as soon as I can. Perhaps there will be pictures of the snow on the site next time so stay tuned.
I hope all of you are warm, healthy and safe tonight......*
Love to all as always...*
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