Sunday, December 20, 2009

We're All Hoseheads Now

I can see Bob and Doug Mckenzie now in the remnants of the snow storm that hit us for the previous 2 days. Also being from Lynchburg, VA, doesn't really help in that this city seldom has to deal with weather events such as this storm that conservatively dumped in excess of 14 inches of snow on us (I swear there was over 20 inches on my porch.....please see new picture on the homepage here) and we live at the bottom of a hill with only 2 streets that lead out and both are at 30 degree angles and we're "poorly" plowed this morning. Hopefully we'll get out of here by tomorrow or even later today if they decide to plow again.

But this blog is about going to Paris right? Hmmmmmmm, until we really speak French pretty well (not yet...) and something like this happens there, I guess we'll just have to ride it out although we certainly won't be living at the bottom of a hill there like we do here. If it gets slippery there they might just toss old baguettes out into the streets so traffic can continue. Who knows?

In any event, the sun is out and spirits are up although there is still a bit of cabin fever......but then, in Paris we won't have a car so getting somewhere "any" day will depend on muscle power as opposed to fossil fuels so our carbon footprint will definitely be smaller while we live there. How about that?????

Hope you are all safe and warm wherever you might be.

Love to all as always....*


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